Wiredrive is continuously improving the quality of your uploads, downloads, and playback speeds within Wiredrive. However, there are several factors that may cause issues with the speed that may or may not be contributed to services within our reach. It's always best to understand what these are so that you can take the appreciate actions to confirm what your issue is.
Some of the top reasons for performance delays are:
- Physical Internet Connection
- Internet Download/Upload Speeds from your Internet Service Provider
- Location in relation to our servers
- Size of the file you are uploading/downloading
Reasons for slow performance:
- Physical Internet Connection - in some cases turning off network access and then turning it back on will help.
- Internet Download/Upload Speeds from your Internet Service Provider - Confirm you upload speeds by doing a speed test.
- Location in relation to our servers - If you are in a location outside the U.S. it may take some additional request to reach our servers, the better the quality of your connection is the better chances you uploads will reach our servers faster.
- Size of the file you are uploading/downloading - If you are uploading files that are then a few hundred GB and you network upload quality is in the single or low double digits this may cause some additional delay
- Device Performance - If you have a lot of processes running or windows open or your computer has a slower than normal loading time, this will play a unique factor in your upload speeds. Best thing to do is restart your computer in this case.
- Wireless networking speeds vary based on the number and types of devices connected. A lot of devices advertise high networking speed, but those figures refer to devices talking to each other, not necessarily how fast it can send and receive data through the Internet. Some devices, such as 4G phones, connect at only 9.5Mbps which will slow down the entire network to 9.5Mbps.
Estimate my upload time:
- Feel free to check out this calculator to see how long your file size would take to upload to our network on your current network connection speed.
- Generally, if you run a speed test and divide that by 8 that is the per second upload rate. So a 50mbps upload speed test would give you about 6mpbs upload speed in most applications. So the slower lower your connection is the slower your upload speeds will be.
- Amount of data is = size of your file
- Transfer Rate = Your internal speed (you can find this from the ping test below.
- Total Transfer Time = Estimate of how long it should take to upload your file over the internet. *Keep in mind this is an estimate and other local factors could cause further delays.
Provide Network Results to Wiredrive:
If the above reasons do not seem to be the cause, please send our support team the following required information:
- The results from the network speed test above as a screenshot.
- Perform a Network test and let our team know the time that you started the test.
- (Required) Perform two traceroutes from your device for two domains api.wiredrive.com & download.wiredrive.com. If you are seeing issues loading pages or playback please do your traceroute against <yourdomain.wirdrive.com> and wrdv.it.
- You may also take a look at what your expected upload time is based on your file size and the upload speed provided by the test here. If the time it is taking to upload corresponds to the times provided in this page. This would not be a performance issue but the expected upload time based on your network. *Additional factors may apply based on your unique network configuration.
How do I perform a Traceroute?
To Perform a Traceroute in Mac OS X
- You can do this through Mac OS X Spotlight by typing Network Utility and then click the Top result.
- Click Traceroute.
- Enter the domain name for which you want to perform a traceroute
- Click Trace.
- Select the results, and then right-click and select Copy or press COMMAND+C to copy the text.
- Paste the text into a text editor (TextEdit, etc.) and save the file as api_wiredrive or cache_wiredrive based on the domain you just tested.
- Send us these two files.
To Perform a Traceroute in Windows
- Open the Start menu
- Click on Run or search for run
- Type cmd and then press the OK button to open a command prompt
- At the prompt, type tracert [domain above without brackets] and press the Enter key
- To copy the output, right-click anywhere in the window and select Mark. You can press Enter to copy all of the output or select the text you want to copy and then right-click with your mouse. Paste the copied text by hitting CTRL + V into a document and save the file as api_wiredrive or cache_wiredrive based on the domain you just tested.
Please send all information to support@wiredrive.com or by submitting a support request form. If Wiredrive is experiencing a known delay a message will be posted on our status page.
Tags: cant, upload, slow