Additionally, Wiredrive is setting the stage for incremental gains to the system and user security, and the updated email system allows us to make those changes more quickly.
When will updates be made?
- Weekly Usage Summary Emails: October 22nd, 2017.
- Internal & Presentation Emails: October 26th, 2017.
What updates are being made?
- Emails are now responsive.
- Consistent theme colors and style for all Wiredrive emails.
- Powered by Wiredrive logo in the footer (required).
What emails are being updated?
Threshold Alert Emails: All users set to receive threshold alert emails will now receive one Weekly Usage Summary every Monday with a snap-shot of usage and activity in their system.
This will replace all current notifications scheduled for daily or monthly alerts.
If you are an administrator and would like to enable this email notification. You can head to your Usage Reports page under Management > Usage Reports ex:
*Emails listed must be associated to a user in the Wiredrive system.
All emails sent by Wiredrive to internal users of a Wiredrive system: These emails include, New User Profile, User Profile Updated, User Password Reset Request, User Password Updated, New Project Assignment, New Project Notification, Project Info Updated, Project Deleted, Approval Notification, Comment Notification. This email will use your current theme color scheme settings if any.
All Presentation emails sent by Wiredrive to presentation recipients: Presentation Email (Sent), Bundle Presentation Email (Sent), Presentation Viewed, Presentation Viewed (Bundle), Presentation Forwarded. This email will use your current theme color scheme settings if any.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will this affect my customized email templates?
Yes, if you have customized email templates we ask that you review them with us and submit a request to our Support team if adjustments need to be made to proper alignment of colors.
Also, we are no longer using, this may cause some inboxes to send emails to their spam folder.
Do I need to do anything to prepare?
No, this update will happen automatically. Header and branding data will also be added automatically. If you notice any discrepancies in the email template for your logo or text please contact our Support team.
!!!!!As we de-commissioned for something friendlier, you may notice emails from Wiredrive are going to spam folder: !!!!
New Emails to whitelist: