In some cases, Wiredrive may request a .HAR file from your browser to understand the issue you are experiencing. Below are the steps to use based on your browser.
- Go to any working page in the system.
- Chrome Menu (Top Right corner) -> Tools -> Developer Tools.
- In the Tab select "Network"
- If there are already records listed in the results, click the Clear button in the left-hand corner next to the red button.
- Start by navigating to the affected page. As the page starts to load you should see entries begin to populate.
- Once the page is finished loading -> right click in the area where the results have loaded-> select "Save As HAR with content".
- Press Ctrl+Shift + Q
- Reproduce the issue.
- Right-click anywhere in the resulting waterfall and click "Save as HAR".
- When saving, be sure you add the file extension ".HAR" to it.
Internet Explorer:
- Press F12 on the keyboard.
- You should see a component appear on the bottom of the screen.
- Go to the network tab in this component and press the green triangle (Play button)
- Reproduce the issue.
- To save, press the red square (stop button) and directly to the right you will see a disk with an arrow on it.
- Click this icon and save it.
- IE only offers to export as an XML or CSV file. Either format is fine. CSV can be viewed via Excel and XML can be viewed by any tool that can read HTTP Archive files, such as the Chrome extension, "HTTP Archive Viewer".