As a Library administrator, you can access all the presentations made by users in your Wiredrive account. This includes private presentations and presentations made by deleted users. If you are not an administrator, you can only access shared presentations, or presentations you created yourself. To learn more about presentation types, please see What is the difference between Private and Shared Presentations?
To access a list of all Library presentations, click the Presentation list button on the right side of the page.
Next to each presentation’s name, you’ll see whether it’s “Shared” or “Private.” In the Creator column, you’ll see the name of the user who created the presentation. Click on whichever presentation you want to share, edit, delete, etc.
If you’re a Library administrator, you can also access the Reports page for a list of presentations, including private presentations. To access this page, hover over Library in the navigation menu along the top of the page, and then select Reports. Click on the presentation you want to learn more about. Click on a Recipient to see the files contained in the presentation.
What if I only want a Sales Rep to send pre-made presentations from my Library?
In this case, you just need to uncheck a box in a sales rep’s permission settings.
- Start by hovering over Users in the navigation menu, and then select Users Directory.
- Click on the gear button at the end of the user’s row, and select Edit User.
- At the bottom of the permissions section, uncheck Can make presentations.
- Click Save Changes.
Now the sales rep can only send existing presentations from Library. The sales rep cannot create new presentations because the +New button is not visible to them.