Release Notes 11-07-2018
- A new "Forgot Username" button has been added to the login page for Wiredrive accounts. If you've forgotten your username, you can prompt and email to be sent to you letting you know what your username is as long as you've enter the correct email attached to the user account.
Bug Fixes
- No new customer facing bug fixes at this time.
Release Notes 10-10-2018
- Change to terminology in Usage Report for email notifications: When a user added emails to be notified and updated underneath Usage Management, the terminology has been changed to "Email Notifications" to be more clear what the function is.
Bug Fixes
- Mobile Sticky Header: Users will be able to have a more full-screen experience when viewing New Presentations on mobile. When turning the mobile device to landscape view, the logo at the top of the presentation will disappear to allow more of the asset to show in the window without having to scroll down.
- New Presentations Full-Screen Autoplay: Fixes a bug where if a user was reviewing a Library New Presentation Reel in full screen, it was kicking the user out of the full screen when autoplaying to the next asset. The fix makes it so that Library New Presentation Reel's will now be able to autoplay successfully in fullscreen without any interruptions.
- Bulk download of bundled presentations: fixed a bug where if a user received a bundled presentation and tried to download one of the presentations within, they received an error.
- Gifs not supported in "New" Presentations: changes were put in to make gif performance better within New Presentations
- Unexpired Links in bulk does not unexpired all of them: a fix where if a project was archived and then reactivated, reopening the links was not always successful despite saying that it was successful.
- Client Category Disappears in Batch Assigner: fixes a bug that if the Client Category is moved to the last spot in the Category Groups, the drop down menu and the text field will disappear from the Client column in Batch Assigner. Now, no matter where the Client category is in the list of other categories, should always display the dropdown/text field (this does not mean changing the order of the columns displayed in Batch Assigner, it changes the metadata shown on assets within presentations)
Release Notes 09-13-2018
- User cap limits are now being enforced in the Wiredrive interface. If your contract or plan specifies a user limit, Administrators will now see an "x out of x" user tally in their user directory as well as disclaimers and error messages if an account has reached its user limit:
Bug Fixes
- No new customer facing bug fixes at this time.
Release Notes 08-13-2018
- No New customer facing updates.
Bug Fixes
- Password Reset blank page: Previously if you opened a reset password email after the 24-hour expiration, a blank page would show. Now, we added a specific error page that states: "The Password reset email has expired. You will need to click here to generate a new request. Please be sure to use the same username found in the original email you received."
- Usage bar in the usage report showing inaccurate time: The usage bar was not showing the correct hour when you hovered over the bar to see a breakdown of usage. We corrected this and also added UTC time.
- Title tag missing for "new" presentations: Previously the organization name did not show in the browser tab when viewing a "new" presentation, this has been fixed.
- .aif files not producing full thumbnail: .aif files now produce the correct audio waveform thumbnail.
Release Notes 07-30-2018
- Reset Password Username message: When a user enters an incorrect username to reset a password, the error message now reads: "The information you have entered is incorrect. If this problem persists, please contact your Wiredrive administrator for assistance."
- Scroll position to stick upon navigation to another page: When a users scrolls down a long list of library items on a page and then clicks an asset to view it, clicking the back button the browser or the 'back to results' button in the interface brings the user back to the asset they left off of, instead of bringing them back to the top of the page.
Bug Fixes
- "New" Presentation Comment Formatting: When leaving comments in a new presentation adding spacing and using the 'enter' key to start a new line is now properly reflected in the formatting of the comment.
- Project Admin cannot edit project permissions: A user with admin permissions for Projects but 'no access' permissions for Library now has the ability to edit any users with lower project permissions.
Release Notes 06-28-2018
- Logos for the New Presentations layout now clicks through to your company website attached to your Wiredrive account.
Bug Fixes
- No new customer facing bug fixes at this time.
Release Notes 01-20-2018
- No New customer facing updates.
Bug Fixes
- No new customer facing bug fixes at this time.
Release Notes 02-13-2018
- Wiredrive Server Migration: Wiredrive migrated our servers over on the week of 1/28 to add additional capacity and scalability. This update also addressed the Meltdown and Spectre exploits, along with other routine upgrades.
Bug Fixes
- Performance issues related to the server migration such as:
- Upload and download performance
- General system performance
- Email delivery
Release Notes 03-07-2018
- No New customer facing updates.
Bug Fixes
- Multiple notification viewed emails being sent and not being tracked in reports for New presentations
- Zip downloads for projects
Release Notes 03-29-2018
- No New customer facing updates.
Bug Fixes
- Usage reports bar that was not showing correctly. Users should be able to effectively track their usage.